2016 No. 6

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2016, 34(6) doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2016.06.018
Abstract(227) PDF(0)
Regional Differences of Aggressive Driving Behaviors in China
2016, 34(6): 9-14,29. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.002
Abstract(438) PDF(1)
With driving environment becoming more and more crowded,aggressive driving happens more frequently.Studies aboard have systematic analyzed aggressive driving behaviors;however few have been done in China.A survey is applied in this study and the samples are selected from drivers across China.Factor analysis is then used to extract common factors of the driver anger indicators scales (DAIS) of 761 drivers from three districts:North China,East China,and South Central China.The correlation among common factors and age,gender,years of driving,region,and accidents involved in the past three years have also been analyzed.In addition,according to scores of common factors and results of variance analysis,differences among regional DAIS are analyzed.The results indicate that drivers from South Central China have the highest frequency of aggressive driving behaviors,followed by North China,and the lowest are from East China.Aggressive driving behaviors have a strong correlation with accidents.Another finding of this study is that in every district,drivers always claim that they having been subjected to aggressive driving behaviors more than they committed.
A Clustering Analysis of Speed Distributions and Emission Estimation Based on Traffic Performance Index
JIN Qiusi, ZHANG Yuanjing, SONG GUOhua, CHENG Ying, YU Lei
2016, 34(6): 15-21,76. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.003
Abstract(461) PDF(0)
Few efforts have been made to quantitatively analyze the relationship between traffic congestion index (TCI) and emissions in urban traffic networks.This study develops a method to derive speed distributions for TPI-specific traffic patterns based on massive floating car data (FCD).The relationship between speed and emission factors is quantified based on massive data of vehicle activity and emissions.After analyzing influencing factors of traffic performance index (TPI) and emission factors,speed distribution is identified as a bridging parameter between TPI and emission factors.In order to reduce the uncertainty of the TPbderived emission factors,a K-Means clustering method is applied to classify speed distributions of the TPI-specific traffic pattern by analyzing factors influencing speed distribution.It turns out that when sample data is clustered by road classes,weekdays/weekends,time periods (06:00-12:00,12:00-22:00 and 22:00-06:00),the coefficient of variation of speed distribution (CVSD) decrease by 10.1 %,13.6 %,and 14.6 %,respectively and the coefficient of variation of emission factor (CVEF) decrease by 10.1%,13.4%,and 14.2%,respectively.Emission factors of the TPI-specific traffic pattern for different classes of roads are calculated under different clustering criteria.
A System for Risk Identification of Pedestrian-vehicular Collisions and Intelligent Control
MENG Ke, WU Chaozhong, CHEN Zhijun, LYU Nengchao, DENG Chao, LIU Gang
2016, 34(6): 22-29. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.004
Abstract(534) PDF(6)
To avoid pedestrian-vehicular collision,systems for pedestrian detection and collision warning are used in intelligent driver assistance systems.However,the warning systems can be useless under impaired driving.In this study,based on a pedestrian detection system,an intelligent control system for vehicles is proposed to avoid pedestrian-vehicular collisions.First,Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are applied to detect pedestrians.Risk of pedestrian-vehicular collisions is predicted by using an algorithm of risk identification.Then,based on a vehicle dynamics model,speed of vehicles is adaptively controlled under different risk levels.The results show that the developed system can detect pedestrians quickly and accurately,its accuracy can reach 89% in real-time under dynamic scenes.The risk warning system can control the vehicle to take a safe and stable brake under emergencies,thus pedestrian-vehicular collisions can be effectively avoided.
An Analysis on Effects of Right Shoulder Width of Highways on Coordination of Driving Behaviors
XING Xiaoliang, CUI Xianglong, LI Can, CHEN Yuren
2016, 34(6): 30-36. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.005
Abstract(526) PDF(0)
Improper width of right shoulder is considered as one of the most important reasons that lead to traffic accidents on highways.Meanwhile,variation of driving environments could cause disorder of driving behaviors.Therefore,with a purpose to explore the effects of different right shoulder width on consistency of driving behaviors,typical road segments with different shoulder width in Guangdong Province are chosen as samples in this study.The impacts are investigated from an aspect of vision awareness.The results indicate that when a vehicle is driving along the most right lane,the difference of the right shoulder width has the most significant influence on coordination of driving behaviors.The drivers would be distracted or feel nervous when the shoulder width is either too narrow or wide.Optimal shoulder width could help drivers to keep a safe,comfortable and effective status.In conclusion,a proper design of shoulder width of highways could reduce the risk of traffic accidents.
An Analysis on Characteristics of Large Passenger Flow of Commuters in Urban Rail Transit: A Case Study in Beijing
DOU Fei, PAN Xiaojun, ZHANG Qi, XIAO Wenjin, MA Kun
2016, 34(6): 37-47. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.006
Abstract(543) PDF(0)
This study analyzes causes,characteristics,and main performances of large passenger flow of commuters in rail transit in Beijing.Considering the impacts of large passenger flow on networks,an indicator system is developed to evaluate space distribution of large passenger flow of commuters.Relative Load Factors are defined to describe propagational tendency of large passenger flow of commuters in morning peak hours.Based on operation statistics of rail transit in Beijing,its overall characteristics and temporal-spatial changes are analyzed.Lines,stations and sections which are easily affected by commuters are also identified.Basic rules of scale,directions and temporal-spatial distribution of large passenger flow in morning peak hours are studied.The results show that unbalanced transfer flow has great influences on transfer stations.Location of congested sections are near transfer stations which between suburban lines and urban lines.Lines with more transfer stations have relative shorter time of congestion.
An Estimated Model of Residence Time of Buses at Bay Stations
YU Lele, LI Wenquan, SUN Chunyang, SHAO Zike, LIU Juan
2016, 34(6): 48-53. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.007
Abstract(452) PDF(15)
Residence time of buses at bay stations is the main factor of influencing efficiencies of bus stations.In order to rationally design bus stations,taking bay stations at mid-blocks as a case study,with queuing theory and kinematics principles,an estimated model of residence time of buses at bay stations in different situations is established,and a calculation method of residence time is also given.The simulation results show that the average time of bus getting in station is slightly larger than that of exiting due to relative position at one platform.Compared to the number of passengers getting on or off buses,arrival rate of buses has more evident influence to residence time.For one bus waiting for getting in one station,its residence time increases with the increase of arrival rate,and time gap between two kinds of situations (the bus need to wait for a while to exit the station,or not) becomes smaller.This model provides effective reference to plan and design bus stations and improves efficiency of bus systems.
An Inspection and Evaluation Method of Thickness of Water Film on Road Surface
LUO Jing, LIU Jianbei, Pramod Kumar GUPTA, GUO Tengfeng, XING Xinxin
2016, 34(6): 54-59,82. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.008
Abstract(576) PDF(6)
Water film on road surface after rainfall induces a decrease of friction between tire and road.The risk of skidding increases as thickness of water film increases.To evaluate the influences of water film on vehicle safety,an inspection and evaluation method is thus proposed.The rainfall intensity in geometric design process of roads is generally determined based on the data from Hainan Province,China.The standard of thickness of after-rain water film is suggested considering the traffic safety.A case study is conducted on the highway designs,the thickness of water film corresponding to different geometric designs are inspected and evaluated.Optimization strategies are provided for unsatisfied road sections.The results indicate that the rainfall intensity at peak hours (50 mm/h) is suitable for evaluating drainage design of road pavements.The desirable limit of the thickness of water film is 2.5 mm,while the maximum thickness is 4 mm.The limit length of drainage path is 60 m.
A Method to Compute the Height of Antiglare Facilities at Median Strip Considering Features of 3D Surface
MA Yang, ZHOU Hao, LI Ke, CHENG Jianchuan
2016, 34(6): 60-69. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.009
Abstract(600) PDF(0)
Current methods of computing height of antiglare facilities at median strips of highways are relatively approximate and inaccurate,because the 3D features of highways are not taken into consideration.In order to obtain rational and effective height of antiglare,an innovative three-dimensional computing method is proposed in this study.Based on the hypothesis that illumination range of vehicle light is of a pyramid shape,an algorithm is established with Matlab to simulate the space illuminated by headlamp during driving.A method is proposed to obtain viewpoint coordinate sets affected by glare when a vehicle is in any position.With the principle that the highest point of one antiglare facility is just on the line which connects viewpoint and light source,anti-dazzling heights of antiglare facilities at all positions can be successively computed by Matlab.A case study shows that the heights of antiglare facilities can be directly obtained using this method with necessary input data.
An Analysis on Origins of Passenger Flow of Subway Stations Based on Mobile Location Data
ZHANG Weiwei, CHEN Yanyan, LAI Jianhui, TAO Tao
2016, 34(6): 70-76. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.010
Abstract(252) PDF(0)
Origins of passenger flow of subway stations lays the foundation for planning of rail networks,optimizing connections between rail transit and ground transportations and setting up of the related facilities.Based on numerous signaling data of mobile phones with location information,a method for investigating origins of passenger flow of subway stations is proposed.On the basis of identifying distribution of Origin-Destination (OD) of passengers throughout a day,considering the fact that signal of mobile phones would be switched to different location areas (LA) when entering or exiting subway stations,time and location of a trip can be then justified.Comparing the time when passengers entered subway station with the departure time of all trips throughout a day,a complete trip chain of passengers who taking subway can be obtained.Then origin areas of these trips can be computed.Three typical stations of Beijing Subway Line 2 are selected for case studies.The computed results are compared with the data from Auto Fare Collection (AFC) machines in subway stations and the results of questionnaires.The comparisons show that the proposed algorithm is able to correctly identify more than 65 % of station demands,and the average error of identifying origins of passenger flow is about 5%.Finally,the distribution characteristics of the sources of subway passengers are analyzed.
A Study on Modeling and Simulation of Car-following on Curve Sections of Highways Based on Field Theory in Psychology
CHEN Kang, YOU Feng, LI Yaohua
2016, 34(6): 77-82. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.011
Abstract(261) PDF(0)
Curve sections are commonly considered as accident-prone sections on highways,which is a hot issue in the field of road safety and traffic control simulation.On the basis of field theory in psychology,this study attempts to construct equipotential lines of driver psychology field in term of the concept of time-distance,and proposes a novel framework of a car-following model on curve sections of highways.An optimal strategy based on improved headway is proposed to enhance the anti-interference capacity of car-following model on curve sections.In this study,systemic modeling and digital simulation are conducted on CarSim and Matlab.The digital simulation results show that moderate speed,acceleration and headway on curve sections can be obtained using the proposed car-following model.
An Mining Algorithm on Route Network Based On GPS Data of Hiking
XIE Xiaoran, ZHAO Junhao, GAO Song
2016, 34(6): 83-89. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.012
Abstract(317) PDF(3)
The rapid development of mobile internet technology makes it possible to collect GPS data when people are travelling.To extract trajectory information based on the GPS data quickly and accurately is very important for road planning and route selecting in scenic areas.Based on analysis on GPS data of hiking,a method to eliminate noise and redundancy is proposed.Based on it,a algorithm for mining frequent sequences to identify key paths and POI (Point of Interest) is proposed.A mining algorithm of road network based on Density Based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise (DBSCAN) is then developed.The results show that the proposed methods improve efficiency and accuracy of the mining algorithm on road network.They can accurately generate the road network in scenic areas,and be able to achieve new traveling paths.
An Uplink Scheduling Strategy for QoS Guarantee of Multiple Information Flows Based on TD-LTE in Mini UAV Systems
WANG Gaofeng, SHI Zhonglei, CHEN Ting
2016, 34(6): 90-95,113. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.013
Abstract(280) PDF(0)
In recent years,studies on communication system of mini UAVs based on 4G technologies are still in the initial stage,and limited literature focuses on scheduling strategy which is essential for the improvement of quality of service (QoS).An uplink scheduling strategy for QoS transmission guarantee of multiple information flows is developed in mini UAV systems,on basis of 4G TD-LTE technology with National Intellectual Property Rights.This proposed strategy provides a systematic mapping method and its corresponding scheduling algorithm for various kinds of information flows in mini UAV systems.By introducing weight factors of the QoS Class Identifier (QCI) and time-delay guarantee,the scheduling weight function of proportional fair (PF) algorithm is improved to achieve adaptive optimization of wireless resource allocation.This provides differentiated transmission services for information flows delivered between mini UAV terminals and control center.Moreover,fly safety and high quality information collection could be guaranteed for UAVs.
An Analysis and Modeling for Route Choice of Drivers Response to Variable Message Signs
CAO Yakang
2016, 34(6): 96-101. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.014
Abstract(327) PDF(0)
In order to achieve the rational distribution of traffic flow in a road network,Variable Message Signs (VMS) can guide drivers to choose optimal route through dynamic traffic information.In this study,a mutti-category ordinal Logit model has been developed based on a stated preference survey,and the factors which have effects on drivers while choosing route under VMS condition has been analyzed.The results show that the main affecting factors are age,travel distance,travel path,degree of trust in VMS and frequency of change route.Among personal properties,age is the most effective factor.As to travelling properties,drivers are sensitive to travel distance and travel path.In compliant properties towards VMS,higher degree of trust in VMS brings more probability when drivers choose to switch path according to guidance information provided by VMS;drivers with high frequency of changing route are more likely to switch path.
A Novel Experimental System Used for Head Injury Study Based on Reconstruction Technology of Pedestrian-vehicle Collision
2016, 34(6): 102-107. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.015
Abstract(270) PDF(1)
In allusion to the difficulties of carrying out highly reliable injury testing studies for pedestrian-vehicle collisions,this paper proposes an experimental system for measurements of head injuries based on reconstruction technol ogy of collisions.Together with a multi-functional collision board,a chain-drive mechanism and a slide lump mechanism are jointed to construct a device for collision simulation.A crash-test dummy is embedded into the slide lump mechanism,and therefore creates a testing model with adjustable weights.Based on a force-sensing module integrated in the testing model,a data acquisition and analysis module is designed to realize real-time analyses of head injuries.In order to guarantee the precision of the collision experiment,finite element analyses are used to optimize structure of this experimental system.This paper has provided a testing method for head injury studies during pedestrian-vehicle collisions with high-reliability and low-cost.
Influences of Development of New Energy Vehicles on Management of Urban Traffic
SUN Zhengliang, JIANG Fan, YU Liyin
2016, 34(6): 108-113. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.016
Abstract(411) PDF(0)
With stimulation of supporting policies on financial subsidy from national and local governments,new energy vehicles have rapidly developed in the past two years in China.It has surpassed the U.S.and become the world's largest market of new energy vehicles since 2015.This study compares supportive policies for new energy vehicles in different countries,and the numbers of registered new energy vehicles in several car-purchased restrictions cities in China.It analyzes problems in development of new energy vehicles as well as the influences of relevant policies on management of urban traffic in China.Suggestions are put forward from aspects of relevant policies and regulations,technical standards,examinations of vehicle safety,information management systems for new energy vehicles,with hope that these suggestions could provide references for healthy development of new energy vehicles in China.
2016, 34(6) doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2016.06.001
Abstract(440) PDF(0)
Recent Developments and Prospects of Maritime Technology and Engineering: A Review of the 3th International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (2016)
2016, 34(6): 1-8,29. doi: 10.3963/j.issn 1674-4861.2016.06.001
Abstract(439) PDF(0)
Maritime technology and engineering is one of the major research domains in the ship and ocean engineering field,and has been attached keen importance both in academic and in industry.Extensive research work has emerged in this area of study,which promotes the integration of the related technology and the sustained upgrading of the maritime industry.The 3rd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering (MARTECH 2016) is a leading conference in the field,and it collects a large volume of featured research work,with insightful discussion on the hot and edge-cutting topic.This paper provides a summarization of the invited speeches and some statistics of the conference papers.Detailed review and analysis on the focused study and progress in maritime technology are delineated with respect to under water and deep sea exploitation,safety and reliability,intelligent ship development,simulation and numerical calculation.Based on the review,the paper gleans the essence of the conference and extracts the research trends and directions,aiming to provide beneficial reference for the interested scholars and practitioners.