2007 No. 6

Display Method:
Lane Marking Line Precision Detection Based on Fuzzy Theory
LI Qingwu, SHI Dan, MENG Fan, XU Lizhong
2007, 25(6): 1-3. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.001
Abstract(409) PDF(0)
Coordination Control Strategy of Urban Expressway On-ramp and Off-ramp
CHEN Xuewen, TIAN Aoshuang, WANG Dianhai, LIU Shixu
2007, 25(6): 4-7. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.002
Abstract(562) PDF(1)
Relationship of Objective Function Value and Iterative Times in User Equilibrium Algorithm
WU Xianyu, YUAN Zhenzhou, LI Yanhong, CAO Shouhua
2007, 25(6): 8-12,15. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.003
Abstract(519) PDF(0)
A Digital Image Recognition Method of Pavement Distress
ZHAO Mingyu, SUN Lijun
2007, 25(6): 13-15. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.004
Abstract(442) PDF(0)
Lane-level Positioning Method Based on 3D Digital Map for Vehicle Navigation System
ZHANG Lin, YANG Zhaosheng, FENG Jinqiao, WANG Jian
2007, 25(6): 16-20. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.005
Abstract(545) PDF(0)
Road Capacity Calculation under Adverse Weather Based on RBF Neural Network
ZHANG Xiqiao, SHENG Hongfei, YAO Yanxue
2007, 25(6): 21-23,27. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.006
Abstract(505) PDF(0)
Simulation and Evaluation of BRT Application in Metropolis
LIU Bingen, JUAN Zhicai, JIA Hongfei
2007, 25(6): 24-27. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.007
Abstract(422) PDF(0)
Dynamic Traffic Volume Forecast Method Based on Chaotic Neural Networks
GU Yuanli, SHAO Chunfu, TAN Xiaoyu
2007, 25(6): 28-30,33. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.008
Abstract(470) PDF(0)
Research on Flight Delays Based on AFP
CHEN Lingqing, BAI Cunru, WU Jiong, LIN Jian
2007, 25(6): 31-33. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.009
Abstract(438) PDF(0)
Eyes Location Algorithm Based on Machine Vision
CAO Wei, WANG Feng, ZHOU Ping
2007, 25(6): 34-36,40. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.010
Abstract(270) PDF(0)
Correction Algorithm of Navigation and Positioning Data Based on Fuzzy Logic
CAO Jie, ZHANG Huining
2007, 25(6): 37-40. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.011
Abstract(290) PDF(0)
Neural Network Combination Model of Highway Passenger Traffic Volume Forecast
MA Ronggui, ZHANG Ke, ZHANG Yi
2007, 25(6): 41-44. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.012
Abstract(244) PDF(0)
Simulation of Multi-phase Actuated Signal Control Based on Paramics
HUANG Yonggang, WEN Huiying, HE Zhaocheng, TANG Yunfeng
2007, 25(6): 45-48. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.013
Abstract(257) PDF(0)
Contrast Research on Fuel Consumption Statistics Model for Road Transportation
LI Xiansheng, WANG Yunlong, CAI Fengtian, LIU Li, DONG Guoliang
2007, 25(6): 49-51,55. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.014
Abstract(275) PDF(0)
Research on the Service Level of Weaving Section of Urban Expressway
PEI Yulong, TAO Zeming, XU Dawei
2007, 25(6): 52-55. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.015
Abstract(311) PDF(0)
Determination of Reasonable Intersection Spacing Based on Safety and Smoothness
DONG Hongli, XU Liangjie, ZHU Shunying, GUAN Juxiang
2007, 25(6): 56-59. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.016
Abstract(269) PDF(0)
Research on Capacity of Highway Toll Station Based on Simulation
HANG Wen, HUANG Zhen, HE Jie
2007, 25(6): 60-62,66. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.017
Abstract(280) PDF(2)
Model of Route Distribution and Toll Pricing in Multi-model Congestion Transportation Network
CHEN Yihua, WU Guoqiang, ZHU Yuqin
2007, 25(6): 63-66. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.018
Abstract(243) PDF(0)
Modeling for Engineering Ship Based on GA-BP
WANG Li, GUO Jianming
2007, 25(6): 67-69. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.019
Abstract(309) PDF(0)
Fractal Characteristics of Gradation Particles in Asphalt Mixture Image with Slit Island Method
WANG Shaohuai, LI Zhi, ZOU Guilian, MA Dongkui
2007, 25(6): 70-73. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.020
Abstract(274) PDF(0)
2007, 25(6)
Abstract(220) PDF(0)
Application of BP Neural Network to Public Transport Intelligent Dispatching
HAN Yin, LIU Chuang
2007, 25(6): 74-76,80. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.021
Abstract(243) PDF(0)
Prediction and Evaluation to City Road Traffic Noise
GUO Ruijun, WANG Wanxiang
2007, 25(6): 77-80. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.022
Abstract(273) PDF(0)
A Map-matching Algorithm of Real-time Floating Car System for Complex City Road Network
ZHU Liyun, GUO Jifu, WEN Huimin, SUN Jianping, CHEN Feng
2007, 25(6): 81-84. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.023
Abstract(258) PDF(0)
Key Technologies of Development and Application Assurance for Transportation Assets Management System
WAN Jian, CHU Xiumin
2007, 25(6): 85-89. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.024
Abstract(269) PDF(0)
Binocular Stereovision-based Security Vehicles Spacing Survey Technology
WANG Hong, LIU Songhe, LIU Zhuming
2007, 25(6): 90-93. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.025
Abstract(274) PDF(0)
Finite Element Calculation Analysis of the Decks of a Car Ro-Ro Ship
SHI Guangzhi, LIU Jiaxin
2007, 25(6): 94-97. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.026
Abstract(241) PDF(0)
Application of Google Earth in Light Buoys Monitoring System
SUN Yulong, MAO Zhibing, CHEN Mingming, WANG Wanjie, MAO Xudong
2007, 25(6): 98-101. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.027
Abstract(241) PDF(0)
Application of Video Conference System to Freeway Business Groups
LONG Yuxuan
2007, 25(6): 102-105. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.028
Abstract(254) PDF(0)
Development of Real-time Condition Monitoring System of Transportation Equipment for Hazardous Chemicals
ZHANG Yongsheng, DUAN Zhangui, ZHOU Shouqin, CAO Guangzhong
2007, 25(6): 106-108. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.029
Abstract(282) PDF(0)
Stone Holding Cage Netting Design System Based on Object Oriented Technology
TAO Lina, ZHANG Pu, CHAI Hejun, YAN Zongling
2007, 25(6): 109-111,116. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.030
Abstract(258) PDF(0)
Design of Precaution, Inspection, and Management System for Expressway Tunnel Traffic Emergency in Mountainous Areas
ZHAO Lihong, ZENG Sheng, HU Gang
2007, 25(6): 112-116. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.031
Abstract(266) PDF(0)
Development of a Software of Crack Calculation Based on JTG D62-2004
ZHENG Benhui
2007, 25(6): 117-119. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.032
Abstract(275) PDF(0)
Bridge Management System Based on Smart-client
SHAN Deshan, LI Qiao
2007, 25(6): 120-124. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.033
Abstract(272) PDF(0)
Development of a New Platform for Freeway Pavement Maintenance Management Information Data
YANG Shunxin, ZHU Yan
2007, 25(6): 125-128. doi: 10.3963/j.issn.1674-4861.2007.06.034
Abstract(277) PDF(0)